While I totaly agree with you I don't think that "being atheist" can be an argument to be elected...
And I disagree with this:
Saying to an interviewver that you are christian, muslmin or atheist if he asks you isn't a problem...
The problem is when you insist about what you believe and want everybody to know you are religious or atheist or whathever
Really I don't care about Obama's religion... But alot for people care about it (and it's probably the reason why he says he's a christian)
It's pure marketing...
I just can't see an atheist leader in America...
Anyway I think (and I hope) that in this point Obama is better than Bush and Mccain
I just don't like when leaders mix religion and politic...
GTRs in LFS are GT500 based (The Japanese Super Gt champ)
It's nearly the same engines...
They are good now
GT500 is alot batter than GT1 because you can have lamborginis against cars like Nissan 350Z!
You have more liberty of choice
And really... I don't think traction control would be a good thing
You have FXR if you want easy drive
Terrossits have more power in Irak than before that's just a sad fact
Sadam was an horrible dicator of course! But he didn't like Al QAIDA and even if it was an horrible dictature, it was better than it is now...
I don't know how many people died since the beginning of the war but last time I saw statistic it said 600'000 civils... The worst is that who pays for that all are people that have nothing to do with the war... They just live in a city like Bagdad which americans destroyed
But I hope that with Obama this kind of things won't happen again
That's cool Victor but when I press "resgister a league ..." nothing happens...
It loads but nothing
EDIT: You were faster Brilwing
RE-EDIT: It works now
Cruise is a mod where you begin with UF1, then you win money by driving
There are speed limits but you can go faster The only thing is that cops will chase you and if they catch you they make you pay a fine.
With the money you can buy more cars etc...
Well that are the basic rules